Inside Scoop on BLINDSIDED!!!!!

THANK YOU to everyone who’s emailed to say “Where the heck is the third FROZEN SKY novel?”  I love it.   No question this book is woefully behind schedule.

I finally updated my official bio on this site and here’s the short explanation:

“Early in 2015, Jeff was badly injured while muscling a 400 pound rock across his back yard, which is a boring and stupid way to get hurt. (For what it’s worth, the rock is infused with the fossilized remains of 12 million year old mollusks; it’s an extraordinarily cool rock.) Doctors, X-rays, pills and physical therapy were painful and expensive. Worst of all, the injury was time consuming.”

The other factor is since FS2 was more of a novella than a full-fledged novel, and since FS3 will be the capstone of the trilogy, I want to go out with a bang, so FS3 has turned into a godzilla. When I’m done, FS3 may be almost as long as INTERRUPT, which is an epic novel indeed. That’s the good news. It’s gonna be a big crazy adventure. But it’s taken extra long to write!

Originally I’d planned to have FS3 out before Christmas. Now I’m shooting for Valentine’s Day? Maybe sooner? The first 475 pages of the book are complete and out to my beta readers, but I still have to pen the big finale.

This is what those 475 pages look like if you’re a tree-killing maniac.

(Yes, I always edit hard copy because I spend all day in front of a computer and print-outs help me see the story with new eyes.)

Carlson FS3


Thriller writer Jeff Carlson © 2025. All Rights Reserved.