South Park meets Reality

I cut this article out of the paper (weeks ago) to entertain my wife.  Of course I’m just now getting to it.  Somewhere, Al Gore is AFRAID!  🙂

World’s Greatest Book Reviews

Like many writers, I have a habit of checking the Amazon pages of my books to see how they’re ranked from week to week.  I’m also intrigued by reviews not only on Amazon but on Goodreads, Kobo, Nook, blogs, everywhere.  It’s interesting to see what people say.  Writing is a lonely job, so I always perk up when I see there are real live people out there in the world who like my work.

Fan mail and positive reviews are uber freaking cool.  Each new book is a marathon.  Every thumbs-up keeps me going.

Sometimes I agree with negative reviews, too.  Day by day, I try to learn and improve, and I’m very much aware that I’m not perfect.  On the other hand,  on occasion a negative review is just frustrating.

Lately, FS1 has seen a steady stream of new posts on Amazon.  Here is the most awesome review I’ve ever seen!  Thanks, man!!  “Unique, creative, fantastic”…
…followed by a one-star review by somebody who was bored before the end of the first chapter.

Dude, the first chapter is, like, five pages long????

Next here are some older reviews for Plague Year on, where a Canadian fan recently pointed me to what can only be described as the World’s Greatest Negative Review EVER!!!!   🙂

Check this out…
Okay, look.  It’s been a while since I read Plague Year, but I did write it.  I remember there are a few sequences in which our heroes are so overcome by pain and adrenaline and grief that they stagger like drunks through the ruins post-apocalyptic California.  In this extreme, Cam briefly experiences visual and auditory hallucinations.  I guess those are the “dream sequences”?”

There is not a single dog (or any kind of pet) in the story.  They ate the pets!  There definitely isn’t a talking dog.  Color me confused!!  🙂

And thank you to everyone who enjoys the books!

The Motherlode of Sci Fi

This week I’m part of a brain-croggling adventure for any fan of science fiction.  The road is short and the treasure is great!  Aha ha ha.  Here’s the scoop…

Sci-Fi Bridge is dedicated to bringing you exclusive deals, new releases, and other exciting news from your favorite Sci-Fi authors straight to your inbox! In order to celebrate the Bridge’s recent launch, its Captains are excited to bring you the third of four massive book giveaways! There are FREE Prizes available for all who enter between April 20 and 27, plus the chance for 5 winners to receive 30+ e-books from Sci-Fi authors of every stripe.

1 Lucky Grand Prize Winner will also receive 20+ signed books, including Cyberstorm by Matthew Mather, Aye Robot by Robert Kroese and full series from Tom Reynolds, Rachel Aukes, M. Pax and Nathan Van Coops!

Enter here.

I’m Peaking As We Speak !!!

Good friends of ours opened a float therapy business called Peak Performance Float Inc.  Here is their website.  The address is 311 Lennon Lane Ste #A in Walnut Creek, CA 94596.  You can call them at 925-899-87761.

For a sci fi guy living in the future, I don’t get out much.  I’d never heard of floating… but it is the in thing, kids!  It’s also relaxing.  You get into this crazy space pod by yourself, the water is warm and incredibly buoyant, the lights go out, it’s just you and the universe in near-total sensory deprivation.  Suspended gravity!  Silence!  Healing!

Diana and I both tried it.  Thumbs up.

Thriller writer Jeff Carlson © 2025. All Rights Reserved.