Wild-Eyed E-Revolutionary Pirate King

That’s me.  I’ve become a WEERPiK, which of course is pronounced “were-pick” like a werewolf with a pickaxe… and that ain’t nobody you want to meet in a dark alley!  Welcome to the future.  This weekend I’m running Frozen Sky 2 at 99c on Kindle.

Jeff Without A Net

Actually, it’s Jeff On The Net, which sounds like a Dr. Seuss book.  In case you missed ’em, I had guest pieces and an except on SF Signal and io9 during the past couple weeks.  Here are the handy urls:





PLAGUE YEAR trilogy in the Netherlands!

The good folks at Uitgeverjj MACC and Zilverspoor MACC have released Plague Year in Dutch with War and Zone set to follow over the next year and a half.  The trilogy has a great unified look.  I also gotta say I love the new titles!  Het Jaar Van De Plaag sounds very cool.  Even better, to me these covers say “techno thriller” and “apocalyptic action-adventure.”  You’ve got your space station.  You’ve got your jet fighters.  You’ve got battered survivors, irregular militia, gas masks, barricades, mind plague zombies, the works.  As you know, that’s what I was going for.

I think they nailed it… and just like the Cam Najarro on the cover of the Russian edition has a rather Slavic appearance, so does the Ruth Goldman on the covers of the Dutch editions have a ‘Nederlanders’ style.  I’d like to meet her!  She looks tough and smart and determined.

Here are all three books in order.

The cosmic coincidence, of course, is we just saw these same battered survivors on the Russian cover of Year.  They must be stock art.  Now the poor bastards are suffering the nanopocalypse all over the world!   🙂

I’d like to give a special thanks to my editor Theo Barkel, who captained this project to fruition.  More soon.





Russian cover of PLAGUE YEAR

I like it!  You don’t usually see actual people on the various covers of this book around the world.  The publishers tend to go with gas masks or nanobots.  But look at this tough young gritty well-equipped hero and his miserable crew!

Get to high ground!!  Get to high ground!!

Russian PLAGUE YEAR front jpg

Thriller writer Jeff Carlson © 2025. All Rights Reserved.