Welcome to the future!

Here’s a fun peek at the future.

My friend Adad Warda is one of the driving forces behind SKY CITY HAYA. You remember Adad as the talent who directed, filmed and produced my “mini movie” book trailer for the Plague Year trilogy…

…and keep in mind that Adad filmed and produced this trailer on a total budget consisting of $50 for music and sf/x, one tank of gas, three sandwiches, three Pepsis and a bottle of ketchup for blood. Seriously. That’s it. The tank of gas got us to the mountains. The sandwiches and drinks fed Adad, Chuck and me. Chuck has appeared in a few plays. Me, I’m not an actor at all, but somehow Adad made it work. Magic man!

Now in Prague, Adad and his crew are running a Kickstarter to create a short promo film about the mysteries behind the chief engineer of Sky City Haya, the world’s first floating city. They’ll use this promo to pitch their epic TV series to production companies.

Check it out!


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I Live! But this guy’s gonna die…

Hard to believe it’s been so long since I posted.  The good news is I’ve busily had my nose to the grind working on Frozen Sky 3.  Getting close!  In other good news, super genius Jasper Schreurs has also been a busy bee.  Here is a sneak peek at his upcoming artwork for FS3.   😉

This unfortunate soul is a split second from explosive decompression…

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Thriller writer Jeff Carlson © 2025. All Rights Reserved.