Catching up in 2014

Holy godzillas, dude! It’s hard to believe I haven’t blogged since October… but more and more, I find myself letting the social media fall to the wayside. Partly that’s because I spend all day in front of a computer, so more computer isn’t too exciting.  Mostly it’s to make time for the flesh-and-blood relationships in my life. In the rare spare minutes of our busy schedules, I’d much rather talk to my wife or my friends than hang out on FB.  I realize that makes me sound crazy. Like a fox.   😉

Last year was a very good year, and I hope to keep my nose to the grind throughout 2014 to make it a good year, too.


In the meantime, it looks like my guest blog for SF Signal in February made their top ten most viewed for 2013, which is fun and cool.  In case you missed it, here’s “Jeff Carlson on the E-Report” discussing my early experiences with The Frozen Sky.

More recently, the good folks at Cult Pop also asked me to return for an interview re: Interrupt.  bottleIt’s here.

As usual, I may have too much coffee, so buckle in and brace yourself for Mr. Motor Mouth.  Lots of stuff pouring out of my brain in a hurry.  That’s what you get in a Carlson interview, ha ha.

More soon.

Big news on the horizon!


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